Why Are My Gums Bleeding

Why Are My Gums Bleeding

If your gums are bleeding, visit our Newport Beach dentist office to have your teeth examined. At Beautiful Smiles we can examine you and determine whether they are bleeding due to simple irritation or if there is a greater health concern. You can schedule an appointment with our office by calling (949) 646-4300. In the meantime, here is what you need to know about your gums.

Symptoms of Gum Disease that You Should Watch For

At Beautiful Smiles, we encourage you to keep an eye on your gum health and call us if any of these signs persist for longer than a week –

  • Bleeding gums
  • Swollen gums
  • Red or irritated gums
  • Your teeth appear longer

If you notice any of these symptoms, the best thing to do is call a Newport Beach dentist for an official diagnosis. Self-treating can lead to additional problems because you may not be addressing the actual cause of the problem. You can schedule an appointment with our office by calling 949-646-4300.

Causes of Gum Disease

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Plaque and tartar buildup underneath the gum tissue
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy
  • Some medications

How to Manage and Treat Gum Disease

There are several ways to prevent gum disease and the symptoms that arise from it. If you have already experienced symptoms of bleeding or swollen gums, following these steps will still help you. However, it is wise to visit our office for an examination so that we can make customized treatment recommendations. In the meantime, you can manage your symptoms by doing the following –

  • Brush and floss regularly. Remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day and when you do, use a soft or electric toothbrush. Make sure that you are brushing food away from your gums and towards the center of your mouth. This is important to prevent plaque buildup at your gum line. Flossing should be at least once per day and you must make sure to go all the way down along the sides of your teeth.
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash. Another way to kill bacteria is to use an antiseptic mouthwash. This is an easy way to kill some of the bacteria that you have not been able to brush away and you may notice that your gums feel instantly better after using it.
  • Have your teeth cleaned twice a year. At Beautiful Smiles, we encourage you to visit our dental office twice per year so that we can clean your teeth, removing plaque and tartar that was left behind from your daily brushing. This is your best defense against gum disease or even some of the subtle symptoms like bleeding and swelling.
  • Stop smoking. More than bad for your lungs, using tobacco products is also bad for your oral health. Not only can it lead to oral cancer but it also increases your risk for gum disease.
  • Schedule a deep cleaning. If you already have gum disease we may recommend that you have a deep cleaning or root planing and scaling procedure. This allows the dentist to remove tartar and plaque that has built up underneath the gum tissue. The procedure is typically completed in two to four appointments but it works incredibly well for removing the cause of the problem.


Why do my gums bleed when I brush my teeth?

When you brush your teeth, the bristles will often go immediately over or next to your gums. Gum tissue is sensitive and if you are using a hard toothbrush or brushing too aggressively you can scratch and irritate them. Our suggestion is to switch to an electric or battery operated toothbrush because you can get an excellent clean without having to apply a lot of pressure. This should provide your gums with needed relief.

Why do my gums bleed when I floss?

Very often, this is because you have not flossed in a long time. If it has been awhile, your gums may be sensitive, irritated or even bleed when you begin your flossing routine. This is perfectly acceptable. Once you begin flossing daily, your gums should no longer bleed. In the process you will be removing the plaque from in between your gums and your teeth, helping them to be in better health. At Beautiful Smiles we can show you how to floss your teeth properly to help ensure that you are getting a really good clean. Call (949) 646-4300 and let us know if your gums continue to bleed after a week of flossing daily.

Why are my gums swollen?

If your gums have started to swell, there are two main causes for it. The first is that you have irritated your gums or accidentally scratched them by eating something that is particularly sharp or abrasive. The second, and most likely, is that you are suffering from an early stage of gum disease. Gingivitis typically makes your gums swell, become red and irritated. This is a warning sign that should lead you to schedule an appointment with our dental office. If you notice this early warning sign and seek treatment, a dental cleaning may be all that is necessary to treat the condition so that your gums can return to good health. Otherwise, the symptoms could become progressively worse.

Why are my gums sensitive when I eat or brush my teeth?

You could have gum disease. Even in the early stages, this condition can make your gums sensitive and irritated. Otherwise, you could have eaten something acidic or abrasive that is making them temporarily sensitive but this should pass within a day or so.

Definition of Dental Terminology
Cosmetic DentistryCosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
DecayTooth decay is when the enamel of the tooth begins to decay and cause erosion from plaque and tartar on the teeth.

Dental CariesDental caries are also known as cavities and result from a lack of proper oral hygiene leaving plaque that forms tiny holes in the teeth.

Dental CheckupA dental checkup is an appointment that involves cleaning the teeth, identifying any signs of infection and removing said signs of infection at least once every six months in the office.

Dental FillingA dental filling involves restoring the structure of the tooth by using metal, alloy, porcelain or plastic to fill the tooth.

Dental ProphylaxisA dental prophylaxis is a professional and detailed cleaning that involves the removal of plaque, calculus and stains from the teeth.

Dental SealantsDental sealants contain a resinous material that we apply to the chewing surfaces of the posterior teeth to prevent dental caries.

DentistA dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.

GingivitisGingivitis is the inflammation of gum tissue that results from plaque, other infections in the mouth and poor oral hygiene.

Preventive DentistryPreventive dentistry is the dentistry that focuses on maintaining oral health in order to prevent the spread of plaque, the formation of tartar and infections in the mouth.

TartarTartar forms when plaque builds up on the surface of the teeth and calcifies into a hard surface that is much more difficult to remove and will require professional treatment.

Tooth EnamelTooth enamel is the protective visible outer surface of a tooth that contains the dentin and dental pulp.

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